  • 2018 | Documentary | 218' | Germany, Austria

Heimat is a Space in Time

HEIMAT IS A SPACE IN TIME follows the biographical traces of a tattered family throughout the 20th century. People who once happened to find each other, then lost each other. Their remaining children, grandchildren now disappear. It’s about speaking and silence. First love and lost luck. Fathers, mothers, sons, brothers, affairs, hurt and joy in changing landscapes, which carry different, intertwined traces of time. A collage of pictures, sounds, letters, diaries, notes, noises, voices, fragments.
Vimeo Trailer
Thomas Heise
Production Filmproduktion in co-production with Navigator Film and ZDF/3sat
Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien, Bundeskanzleramt Österreich - Sektion für Kunst und Kultur, Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung, FISA – Filmstandort Austria, Zukunftsfonds der Republik Österreich und Wien Kultur
World Sales
Berlinale 2019 (Caligari Film Prize), Visions du Réel Nyon 2019 (Sesterce d'Or for the best film in the International Feature Film Competition), Crossing Europe Linz 2019 (CROSSING EUROPE Social Awareness Award - Best Documentary), SWR Doku Festival (German Documentary Award) 2019, Karlovy Vary 2019, Jeonju Intl. Film Festival 2019, Jerusalem IFF 2019 (Avner Shalev - Yad Vashem Chaiman's Award, Chantal Akerman Award), Toronto IFF 2019, Message to Man IFF 2019, New York IFF 2019, DocLisboa 2019, Valladolid IFF 2019, Thessaloniki IFF 2019, Mar del Plata IFF 2019, RIDM Montréal 2019 (Special Jury Price – Int. Feature), IDFA 2019, Muestra de Cine Lanzarote 2019 (Best Film Award), Vilnius IFF 2020

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